Happy Passover! Check out the signs from all over the world on the Jewish Deaf Congress Facebook page!
Join us on March 31, 2021 at 6PM for a zoom webinar with ZVRS! They will be addressing the possibilities of using VRS at work! Register today at https://purplevrs.zoom.us/j/92993753496

ID: ZVRS flyer with purple and orange gradient filter on background. White text: “Join us for a zoom training event” “using VRS at work” On the right side of flyer is an image of Amanda Tuite and Don Moore. These individuals will be leading the zoom training. On the left side of the flyer is a person signing “help”, with a bookshelf in the background. In black text, “REGISTER TODAY!” “Hosted by Illinois Association of the Deaf”, “Please come and learn about how you can maximize your access in the workplace with Z and Purple.”
Questions about the VRS at work training? Contact Don at dmoore@iadeaf.org.
IAD Vice-President Suzy Laskowski shares an update about the IAD bylaws and the upcoming IAD meeting in June 2021. If you want to change anything in the bylaws, please let Suzy know by April 1, 2021. Contact Suzy at vicepresident@iadeaf.org.*transcript can be found in the description in YouTube. For more information, please go to the link provided below: https://iadeaf.org/4985‘
Want updates in ASL on COVID-19 vaccines, and answers to questions that you may have? Check out the Deaf in Scrubs Facebook page!
The State of Illinois continues to provide resources on the Coronavirus Response website. Questions? Contact dph.sick@illinois.gov.