Join Lt. Governor Juliana Stratton for the Women and Girls of Illinois virtual empowerment summits! There will be virtual summits every Wednesday! The second summit is on March 10 at 5:30PM: ADVOCATING FOR JUSTICE.

“Office of Lt. Governor Juliana Stratton”, below in white
“WOMEN+GIRLS”. In pink text, “VIRTUAL”, in baby blue text, “SUMMIT”.
“WE ARE ONE” 5:30-6:30 CST.
March 03, 2021 – Advocating for Inclusion
March 10, 2021- Advocating for Justice
March 17, 2021 – Advocating for Leadership
March 24, 2021 – Advocating for Our Next-Gen
March 31, 2021- Advocating for Self-Care
Watch the events live on Facebook and Twitter, and
celebrate Women’s History Month with us throughout March!
With the ongoing pandemic, accessibility while wearing masks is still important. How can deaf+ and hard of hearing people communicate? How can hearing people communicate with deaf and hard of hearing people while wearing a mask? Check out the NAD’s “Best Practices for Wearing Masks When Communicating with Deaf and Hard of Hearing People” at…! #coronavirus
Deaf Queer Resource Center is hosting a COVID-19 Vaccine Q&A on March 14th – this is a great opportunity to ask questions you might have in ASL with Dr. Lorne Farovitch, a Deaf infectious disease epidemiologist!
Join Roxann on Tuesday nights from 6-7pm! Roxann will share her journey in finances while chatting with several financial experts throughout the month! For more information, check out the CSD Learns Facebook page.

Register today:…/WN_QQwnJ6zRRM2jjRdvUHcq2w
Webinar funded by Wells Fargo **Interpreters and CART provided.
IDHHC is having a meeting on 3/11/2021 at 1PM. If you have questions or comments, check out Option 1 and Option 2 for more information.
“The Illinois Deaf and Hard of Hearing Commission will hold its Remote Commission Meeting on Thursday, March 11, 2021, at 1pm. The meeting will be broadcast live on the State of Illinois website. The draft agenda can be viewed on the website – posted under Fiscal Year 2021 Meeting Schedule. A final agenda will be posted 48 hours prior to the meeting.
The Commission now accepts public comments. There are two options to submit a public comment for the March 11, 2021 Remote Commission Meeting.
Option 1: If you wish to submit a public comment in written, please submit your written comment via e-mail to Please put “Public Comment for March 11, 2021 – Written Submission” in the Subject Line. Your comment will then be included in the record. Written comments must be submitted by 4:30 PM on March 10, 2021.
Option 2: If you wish to speak/sign during the public comment portion of the meeting, you must pre-register prior to the meeting. To pre-register, please e-mail Please put “Public Comment for March 11, 2021 – Request to Speak/Sign” in the Subject Line. In the text of your e-mail, please include your full name, organization, e-mail address, mailing address, phone number, topic of discussion, and whether you will voice or sign. Requests to speak/sign must be submitted no later than 1:00 PM on March 10, 2021.” (IDHHC)
The first IAD board meeting for 2021 will take place on 3/11/2021 via ZOOM. The meeting will be broadcasted live on Facebook at 7:30 (CST). For more information, view the IAD FACEBOOK PAGE. Join us to discover updates for the future in Illinois!