Underneath “JUNETEENTH FREEDOM DAY” is small text in gold/dark yellow: JUNE 19. Behind the Black person’s face outline and on the right side of the image, are abstract triangle shapes in green, gold/dark yellow and red. (Image Credits: Vitalii Abakumov/iStock)
This Friday, June 19 is Juneteenth and we would like to share a few resources that we gathered from Access Living in Chicago, IL. This year will be the 155th anniversary of June 19, 1865. When the news broke of the Emancipation Proclamation declaring the enslaved to be free on January 1, 1863, many enslavers continued to hold enslaved people captive after the announcement. Juneteenth became a symbolic date and has been the occasion for countless community and family gatherings in the past.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, many online opportunities have been developed. Juneteenth commemorates African American freedom and provides education. It is recognized as a day, a week or a month marked with celebrations, guest speakers, picnics and family gatherings. In cities, across the country, are people of all races, nationalities, religions joining together as one to truthfully acknowledge a period in our history that shaped and continues to influence our society today. To read upon more history of Juneteenth, please click on this link: https://www.juneteenth.com/history.htm.
Access Living will be hosting a virtual event on Virtua on Friday, June 19, 2020 at 10-11AM CDT. This event will discuss “Inequality and the Disproportionate Impacts of Covid Response on Black Disabled Communities” CART and ASL will be provided. To RSVP, please click on RSVP for more information.
Here are other ways to observe and celebrate Juneteenth online and in Illinois:
Illinois Holocaust Museum Hosting a Virtual Juneteenth Event With Sherrilyn Iffil
Southern Illinois Celebrates Juneteenth
First Juneteenth in Lincoln, IL
Juneteenth Celebration – Springfield, IL
How To Observe Juneteenth At Home
More resources about the Black Deaf Center: https://www.blackdeafcenter.com
For more information: look into your town’s local events for Juneteenth on their facebook pages.