Dear IAD Member:

The IAD Legislative Committee would like to give you an update regarding to the House Bill 1811 (HB1811) that amends the Regulatory Sunset Act by removing the repeal date of January 1, 2018 from the Interpreter for the Deaf Licensure Act of 2007.

HB1811 recently had its first reading and was assigned to the Health Care Licenses Committee. The Health Care Licenses Committee has scheduled a hearing in Springfield for the bill on February 23rd at 10:00 am in Stratton Building Room C-1.

The Health Care Licenses Committee can make amendments, vote in favor of the bill, oppose the bill, or do nothing. IAD recommends its members to contact members of the Health Care Licenses Committee to share their support of the bill. Here are the committee members you can contact and request that they vote in favor of HB1811:


We recommend using the following script to email members of the Health Care Licenses Committee:

The Honorable [Insert Full Name]
Illinois House of Representative
Illinois Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706

Dear Representative [Insert Last Name]:

I would like to express my support for HB1811 bill to remove the repeal date of January 1, 2018 from the Interpreter for the Deaf Licensure Act of 2007. Maintaining the Interpreter for the Deaf Licensure Act of 2007 is very important to me and other members of the Deaf community because we need the minimum standards in place for the interpreters to attain appropriate qualifications to interpret for us. Without these standards in place for the interpreters, it is difficult to ensure communication experiences are not compromised.

Please vote in favor of HB1811.

Thank you,
[Insert your full name]
[Insert your mailing address]

Last, but not least, we would like to thank Representative Michelle Mussman for her full support and serving as the primary sponsor of the bill.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at

Jason Altmann
IAD Legislative Chair

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