An Update on IAD Youth Priorities

Are you curious the latest updates regarding what IAD is doing to address the two specific priorities that impact deaf and hard of hearing youth (ages 0-21) in Illinois? In this VLOG, IAD Legislative Chair Jason Altmann joins IAD President Corey Axelrod to share specific information and goals on how chapters, affiliates and the general […]

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Legislative Committee Updates

The IAD Legislative Committee has very exciting plans for the next two years! Legislative Chair Jason Altmann shares in this VLOG what the committee has been working on and the numerous goals they plan to accomplish! Thank you, IAD Legislative Committee, for all you do for IAD! ***Editorial Correction: Two names were incorrectly spelled, the […]

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IAD’s Education Updates & Call for Volunteers

IAD President Corey Axelrod and Vice President Kevin Ryan emphasize IAD acknowledges the community’s various concerns regarding education for deaf and hard of hearing children here in Illinois. We are committed to protecting children’s right to language and access to quality education, but we cannot do it alone. To get involved, please email Corey at […]

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WSAD Votes to Become an IAD Affiliate

IAD President Corey Axelrod and Vice President Kevin Ryan visited the West Suburban Association of the Deaf (WSAD) general meeting on Sunday, November 8, 2015. IAD is thrilled to share WSAD members voted to become another IAD affiliate organization! For more information on becoming an IAD Affiliate, visit

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IAD Goes to DeafNation

IAD is thrilled to share we had more than 50 new members sign up to join us yesterday at DeafNation! Yes, President Corey Axelrod and Vice President Kevin Ryan dyed their hair! And yes, Nyle DiMarco stopped by the IAD booth (thank you, Nyle, for your time and generous donation to IAD!). If you want […]

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